We are at the end of the month and today is Rare Disease Awareness Day.
I unfortunately know a few people who suffer from rare diseases and their day to day life can be a struggle. But did you know that our furry family members can also contract or be born with rare diseases as well. Some of the same diseases that can plague humans can also be rare in our pets. Some of the rare diseases, disorders, and syndromes can be cured or treated effectively if caught in time, but unfortunately some are still a mystery to doctors and scientists.

Cushing’s Disease is rare in cats but does occur. Feline orofacial pain syndrome, FOPS is another rare disease that can be exacerbated by stress and anxiety. Feline Papillomavirus is a dark skin growth that can lead to cancer.
Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko from Pexels

Addison’s ,Addison’s, Hyperthyroid, and Rabies, are rare diseases in dogs. Some of the diseases that are considered rare can be avoided by taking a few precautions and keeping your k-9 up-to-date on shots and flea and tick prevention. There are fungal infections that may be more common in southern states than in other parts of the country. There are also tick-borne illnesses that are more common in some states than others. It is important to check your dog for ticks every time you go into a wooded or grassy area. There are some tics that are not covered by flea and tick medication, but these ticks can still cause serious illness to your dog. Making sure that the ticks do not get a chance to latch on to your dog is the best way to prevent such illnesses as Babesiosis, Anaplasmosis, and Hepatozoonosis.
One very rare disease that is usually related to wild rabbits is Tularemia or Rabbit Fever. It is a hemorrhagic disease that is highly contagious and can affect dogs and cats that come in contact with an infected rabbit. Those of you who allow your cats and dogs to live outside should be aware of this (rare disease) if your fur kid gets sick after killing or feeding on a rabbit, make sure you let your veterinarian know.

For more information about the diseases mentioned in this article and more. Here are links to some articles. If you suspect your fur kid may have something that is not easily diagnosable, Please, see your veterinarian or get a second opinion.