Did you know that there was such a thing as a national day just for brown dogs? Well now you do, but don't worry every color and species gets day eventually.
Speaking of dogs, one of the biggest reasons why dogs are rehomed or sent to shelters is behavior. There are things you need to know if you want to be a responsible dog parent. Dogs need training just like children need training. Training takes time and patience, but the rewards for all the time spent are great. When you take the time to properly train your dog, the bond you create becomes even stronger. You will be confident taking your dog out in public and your dog will have confidence too. You will be less likely to have a negative interaction at the dog park or out for a walk.
There are obedience training classes you and your dog can take together, like the Mommy and Me classes for babies. There are also loads of videos on how to train your dog in a kind respectful manner. Some dogs learn quickly, and others need more time and patience. Knowing your dog will help you to know when he is really ready to move on to a new command. Here is a link to a training school on Facebook. McCann Dog Training | Facebook
They do a great job of slowing things down so you can get the hang of the training method and command they are giving in great easy to follow videos.
Being a responsible dog owner also means knowing what not to do. Spanking or in any way harming your dog is not only an ineffective way to train your dog, but it can be dangerous and, in many states, illegal. Violence against your dog can cause your dog to associate you and your gender with danger and could make your dog aggressive.
Your dog doesn't need to learn a hundred tricks, but every dog should know some basic commands like, sit, stay, heal, and wait. Your relationship will be better, and you will both be happier. Remember, no matter how old your dog is, they are never too old to learn manners
I hope you enjoyed this article and found it educational. Don't forget to find us on Facebook. Because of Jim | Facebook. Hit like and follow. Thank you for your support, and by the way it is also Sled Dog Day. Happy Sledding!