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National Professional Pet Sitters Week

There are so many skills necessary to be a truly professional pet sitter. Some homes have multiple species, and each one need to be handled differently. Beside walking the dog and scooping the kitty litter, Some pets need medication, or are on a special diet.

Photo by PNW Production from Pexels

Whenever I have had to go out of town, I always left a two page note for my husband so he would know what to do. We used to hire someone to live at our house and take care of our fur kids. I always figured that if they got half of the directions right not one would die. Those notes were even longer.

Photo by Helena Lopes from Pexels Photo by Samson Katt from Pexels

But imagine how your fur kids feel when they see a stranger doing the things that you normally do for them. Hats off to the professional pet sitters. You Rock!

Photo by Blue Bird from Pexels

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