A recent scare with a cat that we rescued as a kitten and found a home for, stirred up some feelings that I thought were resolved. Today is Pet Remembrance Day in the UK. It seems that all of the cats who are associated with Jim elicit deep emotions in me. Jim was the cat that prompted me to write a book. Jim was the cat who showed up ready to love. Jim was also the cat whose death traumatized me in ways I never imagined. We have loved and lost too many of our fur kids, but no one had the impact that Jim had.

It is good and even healthy to remember those we have lost. We all have a story of that one moment when we couldn’t stop laughing at something our fur kid did or the horror of receiving a terrible diagnosis. There are stories about holidays, and special toys, and so much more.
Who do you want to honor on Remembrance Day? How has having a dog, cat, bunny, or some other animal changed your life. I wrote a book about Jim and all of the animals that came after him, but there are so many more stories and so many other animals to remember.
We would love to hear from you.